Monthly Archives: January 2006


艦隊 梁漢文


C          Em       F         Em
你 為何這麼感慨 誰都不愛怕輸給戀愛
    F           Em       Dm    
年輕的那副探險心不再 但愛就如行船
E7          Am     Em            Am
就是有風有浪才精彩 就是孤單得太耐才出海
G             F          Em
為什麼 失戀過 一聽見海 頭亦沒法抬
  Dm           G
我都死過 又活過來

       C          Em         Am
*像個艦隊 用盡了所需 尚未有港口泊進去
G         F           Em
水手都不怕累 奮勇對著 無邊海水
Dm            E7          Am
揚揚帆 昂昂然 盡辦法搜索下去
    G          F            D7
撐過去 明天我將跟最愛 避世安居
F        Em       Dm          G        C
雨大浪大 我們仍然 浮浮沉沉愛海裡 撈個伴侶*

C          Em       F           Em
你 從湖海中隱退 人家都說你怕給他婉拒
    F           Em
    Dm       E7          Am
若這是場謠言 就別再忍趁著大風吹
Em           Am     G             F
寂寞的心 馬上來歸隊 為什麼 失戀過 因此怕人
  Em         Dm           G
誰自動棄船 永不知道 未遇見誰 


      C#         Fm         A#m
像個艦隊 用盡了所需 尚未有港口可泊進去
G#        F#          Fm
水手都不怕累 再接再厲 桅杆高舉
D#m           F7          A#m
沿途誰 尋回誰 命運裡失散伴侶
    G#         F#           D#7
一對對 從此會光輝引退 避世安居
F#       Fm       D#m         G#       C#
哪面是岸 哪年回航 全船人來到這裡 無意後退

The Solemn Profession of Sister Teresa Magdalene

So glad that I went to the Solemn Profession of Sister Teresa Magdalene Tsao… We witnessed how someone
could love Jesus soooo much…

There were so many priests, from Mississisauga, Newmarket, CMC, and even San Francisco… It took so
long for Deacon Ho to introduce the co-celebrants. Among the ones who attended, I saw many parishioners
from different parishes as well…

The family of Sister Teresa helped out with all parts of the mass, her sisters did the readings, her parents
and nephews/nieces were presenting the bread and wine… I love the homily given… The english one
talks about what it is that Sister Teresa is doing… that she’s willing to give up everything – the degrees
that she earned and the bright career ahead – to join a cloistered community, to be isolated from the
world… It’s all about marriage – a spiritual marriage with Christ – to be in union with the everlasting, ever faithful, the all powerful Lord.

Fr. Fu then gave a Chinese one afterwards… He was a bit 無厘頭 in the beginning, about being 同胞 with Sr. Teresa at 2 levels – being Chinese and American citizen And told of a story of how a girl named Angela responded to God’s call and became a nun, God rewarded her by making all the 豆皮 on her face to disappear God is good! In the 正經 part of his speech, he invited the audience to a small , to do some good works in the coming weeks… So that after 99 (magic number!) years, there will be 601 (magic number again!) more people in heaven…

The most touching part of the ceremony for me was when the priest presented the 3 things to Sr. Teresa, which includes the black veil (as a sign of the promise to God), a crucifix, and a crown. After she got presented these 3 things, the priests came and greet her one by one. Everyone there at the ceremony could feel the joy! At that moment, I felt like attending a wedding… Tears just flowed from my eyes…

The mass took longer that I thought… I had to leave right after commuion… Glad that I could hear they sang
the communion hymn completely, it was the song from Therese (don’t know what the song is called…)

I wish Sr. Teresa all the best~ God would reward her greatly, for she has given up everything to follow Him. May we all open our hearts a little wider, to hear God’s voice, and to serve Him the best we can.

Deus Caritas Est

I haven’t started reading Pope Benedict’s 1st encyclical yet, but seems like many people have already read it and misinterpret it to the way they want:
Benedict Back to Basics About Love in New Encyclica
Dissidents and liberal media refuse to see or accept real meaning of encyclical

By Hilary White

ROME, January 26, 2006 ( – In the opening paragraph of his new encyclical, Deus Caritas Est (God is Love), Pope Benedict XVI places the focus of his pontificate on the problem that western societies have had since the 1960’s with distinguishing love from sex. The first words, “God is love,” from the letter of St. John, have been twisted by the sexual revolution out of any resemblance to its original intention and Benedict’s encyclical gives the final word as to what the Church has always meant by “love”.

If the first encyclical of Benedict’s reign follows the pattern of outlining the new pope’s intentions, his encyclical clarifying the Church’s central teaching signals his intention to correct the misinterpretations of the nature of love, the concept that is the basic underpinning of all her other doctrines.

Benedict says that the Christian imperative to love our neighbour, has been corrupted by the misunderstandings of the meaning of love. “Today, the term ‘love’ has become one of the most frequently used and misused of words, a word to which we attach quite different meanings,” the Pope writes.

The pope gives a definition of the love between a man and a woman that balances the physical. Sexual love, (“Eros” in Greek) is not simply the sex act. “Eros, reduced to pure ‘sex,’ has become a commodity, a mere ‘thing’ to be bought or sold.” The love between a husband and wife represents instead a kind of type of the love of God for mankind, an ancient theme in Catholic theology.

He writes, “An intoxicated and undisciplined eros, then, is not an ascent in ‘ecstasy’ towards the Divine, but a fall, a degradation of man.”

Prominent Catholic philosopher, Peter Kreeft, summed up the problem of modern western societies saying the obsession with sex is the prime mover in the so-called “culture wars” both in and outside the Church.

Sex, Kreeft said at a 2003 talk at St. Michael’s College in Toronto, “unites man and woman,” to create a new immortal soul “which is destined for infinite, eternal, and unimaginable ecstasy in the presence of God forever.” But this meaning of sex, explained yet again by Pope Benedict’s encyclical, is violently rejected by a culture that sees human life as strictly material.

The media is wading in with the materialistic interpretation to which it has been wedded for the last four decades. In the New York Times piece headlined, “Benedict’s First Encyclical Shuns Strictures of Orthodoxy,” Ian Fisher presents the media’s obsession with homosexuality, contraception and abortion, as the defining doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Fisher quotes Christian Weisner, spokesman of the German anti-Catholic group, We are Church, praising his own interpretation of the encyclical’s message. Weisner, calling the encyclical “a sign of hope” that Benedict would prove to be a “human face for Christianity and for the Catholic Church,” wagged his finger at the Pope. “Loving your neighbors also means loving critical theologians. He also has to apply these ideas within the church itself.”

The most famous of the “critical theologians” has also weighed in praising the fact the encyclical is “not a manifesto of cultural pessimism or restrictive sexual morality.” Hans Kung, who knew Benedict in his days as a theology professor in Germany, demanded in a press release, that the pope’s next encyclical approve divorce and contraception and married priests, the standard litany of liberal demands since 1965. ( I can’t help but wonder every time when people keep pushing the Pope to do "the right things"… like why in the world would the Catholic Church want to stand so firm on these issues? If it’s so easy to "let go" and go with what "the modern people" demand, why would the Church want to hold on to her own standpoint. Would those people just spend a moment to think??? There must be SERIOUS reasons why the Church doesn’t approve divorce etc etc… hmmm…)

“Joseph Ratzinger would be a great Pope if he drew courageous consequences for Church structures and legal decisions from his correct and important words about love,” Kung wrote. It appears from this reaction that Kung just does not get what the Pope has really taught in his first encyclical.
Read Deus Caritas Est:

Lion is the best

Finally watched Narnia with Amy (aka my movie buddy) tonight~ It was great!! Even tho I couldn’t understand the plot completely (due to my poor listening skills for the British accent…), I find it very good! Aslan is just soo nice! He reminds me of Jesus~ The moment when he got shaved was heartbreaking  His selflessness and sacrifice… arrghh.. and I like how he heals by "breathing" too!  He’s great!! I’ll probably get the book to read to really understand the plot~ Should start reading C.S. Lewis


Be smart this time.

Hi~ my name is bunny

I wanted to come out to do an introduction for a while~ but keep forgetting…And let me introduce my best friend, Peach the starfish to you guys… Altho I’m a bunny, I find myself in constant company with a bunch of seafood… and even a monster (but he has a good heart!)

Water water water…

I’m drinking SO MUCH water these days… as an attempt to decrease calories intake… this is how I keep myself awake at work…
Drinking so much water, reminds me of the following:
water water water, drink drink drink
water! drink
water! drink
water water water, drink drink drink!

Hybrid bunny-human embryos

Heard from radio while driving home tonight… that there are scientists trying "fuse human cells with rabbit eggs" to create embryos, to produce stem cells with genetic defects…in the hope of understanding more about stem cells~
Search on google just now, yuen loi reported on cnn a week ago:
Bunny-human hybrid might not sound as absurd as before…

Blog ar!

Since *someone* said I don’t blog as frequent now, so I’m gonna blog tonight! wahahahaha  I remember I wanted to blog some mo liu stuff a few days ago, but since it was too mo liu… forgot jor…
I don’t have any topic in mind, just write random stuff…
  • went to S+L promotion team meeting today~ heard that the programme will run for another set of 13 episodes for sure~! Yeah yeah, this is pretty amazing~ They started with absolutely nothing, now have some funding to continue production la… that’s great! Altho it’s a lot of work, but I’m sure I’ll continue to be part of the team!! Yeah yea~
  • work is still pretty mo liu… no real work assigned yet… we spend lots of time drinking and going to washroom  Starting from today, I’m trying to limit myself to have 1 coffee/tea with millk/sugar… coz from looking at those pics taken @ Tremblant, I just think I have to lose some weight  So today I had my milk tea from the tea restaurant, then drink 1 or 2 bottles of water, then drink 2 cups of tea…by that time, I realize I couldn’t taste anything at all  So I drink some Canada Dry (doctor recommended pop – if you really need to drink pop) to revive my taste buds… And that’s how I survived till 6
  • I’ve been asking for a sign from God since the end of this year’s WCCC retreat… and I’m not sure what I’ve seen can be considered as the sign yet… perhaps I need to pray harder… I’ve asked God to be EXPLICIT… coz I don’t want to "goo goo ha" , and interpret anything that goes my way to be God’s signs… guess that’d take a while
  • done editing retreat video last night but it’s too big to fit in 1 or even 2 DVDs, have to find a way la… I’m sure there’s lots of room to reduce the size~~
  • 2 more mo liu stuff from work: (1) to make IM easier, Simon and I started coming up with a set of mapping of boss/co-workers’ names… sometimes realizing the stupid mappings makes it so hard to keep a straight face in front of the computer , it’s not possible to maintain the level of privacy I used to have due to the more open cubes here…. (2) Simon becomes a big fan of v8 lately… but I don’t think I’d try it again (I used to be able to drink it too…but not anymore)… inspired from Jess’s mint chocolate milk’s "recipe", I came up with the tomato soup "recipe"… which consists of 2 steps: a. pour v8 to a bowl and microwave it, b. add salt & pepper to it…and there you go! Hot tomato soup to serve in these cold winter days!
  • oh yeah, hocc won 2 awards in TVB JSG award show  So happy for her ar!!! She looked super sexy that night with her "mo mo" outfit~ Sometimes I don’t think she needs to be this sexy tho  Go go go hocc! I’ll be back for the concert~ oh yea oh yea

One last thing, today marks my 9th anniversary in Canada~~  time flies!!


Got it from Hoppa… it’s so true!
(I didn’t dare to count the list… I do like most of them… )
    >>> SATAN’S MEETING:   (Read even if you’re busy)

       Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.
       In his opening address he said,
       "We can’t keep Christians from going to church."
       "We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth."
       "We can’t even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their saviour."
       "Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken."
       "So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, BUT
        steal their time, so they don’t have time to develop a
        relationship with Jesus Christ.."
       "This is what I want you to do," said the devil:
       "Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection
        throughout their day!"
       "How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.
       "Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent
        innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered.
       "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow."
       "Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to 
        work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles."
      "Keep them from spending time with their children."
      "As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no
        escape from the pressures of work!"
      "Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still,
       small voice."
       "Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive."
        To keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in
       their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly."
      This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ."
      "Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers."
       "Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day."
       "Invade their driving moments with billboards."
       "Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs,
       sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering 
        free products, services and false hopes.."
       "Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and TV so their husbands
        will believe that outward beauty is what’s important, and
       they’ll become dissatisfied with their wives. "
      "Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at night."
       "Give them headaches too! "
      "If they don’t give their husbands the love they need, they will
       begin to look elsewhere."
       "That will fragment their families quickly!"
       "Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their
        children the real meaning of Christmas."
        Give them an Easter bunny so they won’t talk about his
        resurrectionand power over sin and death."
       "Even in their recreation, let them be excessive."
       "Have them return from their recreation exhausted."
       "Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God’s creation.
        Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead."
       "Keep them busy, busy, busy!"
       "And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in
        gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences."
       "Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus."
       "Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing
        their health and family for the good of the cause."
       "It will work!"
       "It will work!"
        It was quite a plan!
       The demons went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busier
       and more rushed, going here and there.
       Having little time for their God or their families.
       Having no time to tell others about the power of Jesus to change lives.
        I guess the question is, has the devil been successful in his schemes?
       You be the judge!!!!!
        Does "BUSY" mean: B-eing U-nder S-atan’s Y-oke?
       Please pass this on, if you aren’t too BUSY!