Monthly Archives: October 2007






昨晚突然發現原來我的無知/自私再次傷害了人,今天花了些少時間到St. Justin Martyr靜一靜,誰知又讓我碰到一個喪禮的完結…




Paradigm of Recapitulation | Freedom of Speech

I found one of the topics taught in tonight’s BSP very CLASSIC. I have to blog it to make myself remember it. Basically it’s about how Jesus (& Mary) reversed every single bit of sin done by Adam (& Eve).
Edmond came up with a very classic translation: 重點扭轉復原論。
From BSP supplementary notes:
CCC 518: Christ’s whole life is a mystery of recapitulation. All Jesus did, said and suffered had for its aim restoring fallen man to his original vocation.
Irenaeus’s Paradigm of Recapitulation
In his recapitulation thery everything which had gone wrong or turned away from God the Creator is restored and made new. Christ restores the true image of Adam; the Cross recalls the tree of the Fall; Mary is what Eve was intended to be, but lost through her disobedience… Irenaeous sees both Christ and Mary as untying the very knot that Adam and Eve had bound together through their disobedience. He recalls the genealogy of Luke which has Christ ascending back to Adam and thereby re-creating what had gone awry (Lk 3:23-28)… The entire chain-like consequences of sin are carefully untied all the way to where the knot began. (B. Buby, Mary of Galilee, p.20-21)
  • 革責瑪尼園 (伊甸園)
  • 流血汗 (必須汗流滿面)
  • 帶茨冠 (給你生出荊棘蒺藜)
  • 在十字架上 (生命樹)
  • 為教會,他的淨配,犧牲生命 (監管失職)
  • 在他的肋膀流出血和水 (亞當肋膀出厄娃)


I bought this little booklet from St. Timothy’s parish, called "One Bread, One Body" after the mass for WCCC 30th Anniversary. It contains the daily readings of Oct and Nov, as well as a short reflection. The reflection for tonight is very good….

Freedom of Speech

"What wretched man I am! Who can free me from this body under the power of death?" – Romans 7:24

I’ve been tired this year. When the alarm rings in the morning, on many occasions, I stand up and say out loud, "I’m so tired." I have been trying to discipline myself to turn my thoughts immediately to Jesus and say, "You’re so strong" (see Phil 4:13).

Years ago, I was trapped in sin. I’d go to bed at night and berate myself, saying out loud, "I’m so sinful." I would say the sinner’s prayer over and over: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner" (see Lk 18:13). Jesus set me free from my prison of sin and graced me to live a holy life (see Lk 4:18). Now I say out loud: "Jesus, you’re my Savior."

We’re constantly tempted to focus on our limitations. Jesus gave us a new nature so we can instead focus on His omnipotence. Are you broke? Say not: "I’m so broke." Instead, say: "Jesus, You’re my Wealth" (see Phil 3:8). Are you fearful? Say not: "I’m so afraid." Instead, say: "Jesus, You’re my Helper. I will not be afraid" (see Heb 13:6). Are you overwhelmed? Say not: "I’m so swamped." Instead, say: "Jesus, You are Peace beyond all understanding. I know You’ll work all things to be good" (see Phil 4:7; Eph 2:14; Rm 8:28). Are you in pain? Say not: "I can’t bear this suffering." Instead, say: "Jesus, you suffered in agony for me. I trust Your love will carry me through this cross."

Let Jesus remove any vocabulary of limitation and give you free speech. Let Him fill your throat with the high praises of God (Ps 149:6) and the gift of tongues to praise Him "very well indeed" (1 Cor 14:17). May He give you "a well-trained tongue" (Is 50:4).


After I got home tonight from yoga, my mom told me that her co-worker just passed away. It was VERY shocking to everyone. Even to me, an outsider, this news made me shocked. She was still working last Thursday, took Friday off as a sick day. And today the school learned that she passed away. No one knows the real cause of her sudden death. Her husband was too sad to take more questions.
My mom felt very upset about this for the entire day. This co-worker, W, often gave her rides. Even though some people think she is "cool", my mom finds her very approachable and helpful. My mom often told me about the various tips she learned from her, like re-using tofu boxes (her kids study in Waterloo too). She used to give rides to the students everyday. The adults were trying to hide her death from the kids, just saying there would be someone else driving them from now on.
I hardly know this person, perhaps I’ve seen her like once or twice? But her sudden departure saddens me a lot… Her younger son just graduated not long ago, she said she would stop working when her son graduated, that didn’t happen… Who would have thought this just happened in a snap of fingers?
May we love all those around us, especially those we might have taken for granted…
May the Lord have mercy on her soul, and grant peace to her family.

2007年10月11日  明報副刊
癡    阿寬