Monthly Archives: August 2006

The Other Side of the Sun

An english song, so rare!  Haha, actually it’s from Chet Lam’s album…
the other side of the sun
曲詞:janis lan & albert hammond
Key: F
Intro: Fmaj7 | Fmaj7 | G9 | G9
Fmaj7                                              G9   
leaving on a boat for beyond the other side of the ocean
C                          C7                       Fmaj7  F F#
bet you in the morning you won’t even know i’m gone
Fmaj7                                    G9
tired of living here in middle of mixed emotion
C                          C7                    Fmaj7   F7
might as well be living on the other side of the sun
 Bb                       C                               Am
*leaving with a feeling i don’t know how i’m dealing with loving you
       D7              Gm
though once i knew the special way
    C7            F                       F7
and what to do to make you stay forever & ever
Bb                       C
even as i’m leaving i’ll never stop believing
    Am                  D7
you are the one who can make me laugh
        Gm                 C7                           F   F F#
and can bring me back from beyond the other side of the sun
Fmaj7                                           G9
sailing down the river i hope i can deliver the morning
C                         C7                       Fmaj7 F F#
wishing on a star for the sun to come out and play
Fmaj7                                          G9
ain’t it funny when it’s over you really don’t remember the warnings
C                 C7                             F         F7
might as well be living out beyond the milky way forever & ever*


今天的福音(Matthew 18:21  —  19:1)的訊息是寬恕﹐是關於一個惡僕得到主人赦免他的債項後﹐卻不願意同樣對待欠他債項的同伴。再讀這篇聖經有些小領悟。
耶穌從來都是一位良師﹐他採取身教的方式來向我們講解課題。人的問題絕大部份是基於self-serving bias(我僅餘的Psych101記憶)﹐即是傾向將利益歸於自己。若有人犯了錯﹐我們成了受害者﹐人性促使我們把注意力集中在別人犯的錯﹐以及自己是何等的無辜。耶穌從來沒說那人沒錯﹐卻不斷強調我們要寬恕。祂說:你們看﹐我也寬恕了你們﹐你們照做吧。
這又令我想起每次我向結他老師投訴左手很痛時﹐他總會給我看他的手﹐問:你手指的繭及我多嗎? 這就像我們向耶穌抱怨委屈﹑痛苦和不如意時﹐祂要我們仰望十字架上的祂。祂沒有否定我們的痛苦﹐只是要我們知道祂自己給我們受了最大的苦。


小事#1: 舊唱片
昨日途經現正在清貨中的Music Headquarters﹐心想不妨碰碰運氣進去搜索一番﹐結果給我以$5.99再八折低價買了1996年出品的Black Box EP. 誰是Black Box? 問得好… 他們是三位幕後音樂人: 林鍵華﹐陳偉剛﹐以及登登登凳…張佳添。無錯﹐我是為了他才買這CD的。他們的音樂也不錯 (找不到方法share… sorry)
小事#2: Be a joyful witness
已經有很久沒有翻看Henri Nouwen的Bread for the Journey﹐那是去年的生日禮物(好像是唯一的真慘)﹐全書為每年365天提供反省的材料。讀回八月初的那段文字﹐"Be a joyful witness"這訊息在我腦中揮之不去。若我們要做見證﹐我們要做充滿喜樂的見證!! 一直以來﹐我經常為小事不開心﹑煩燥﹑不滿現狀﹐我身邊有好些信仰比我薄弱的人要比我平安許多。若做witness做得如此不joyful﹐那就是anti-evangelize﹐等同給幫耶穌倒米
昨晚在Taize中﹐在十字架旁時我腦中浮現著一個訊息(我想也跟早前看完Shroud of Turin展覽有關)﹐耶穌身上佈滿著的傷痕﹐是為我們眾人受的。在耶穌的身和心﹐可以找到我們每人要承擔的痛苦和不如意。他不僅為我們承受罪孽﹐也因此受盡無人能受的苦。既然我的苦已讓耶穌受了﹐我還有藉口抱怨﹐還有藉口不joyful嗎? (最低限度我以後每感到委屈或難過時﹐我也要記起耶穌已替我受過了…)
小事#3: 新手上場 未如理想
今天到了CMC想拍Art team做banner作生命恩泉製作之用﹐完全沒有方向該如何拍攝。我想每位攝影師在腦中都要有非常清晰的畫面﹐要知道如何構圖﹐可是我每次拿起機都一片空白 我得花些時間鑽研拍攝技巧…

Long time no blog

I guess it’s been really a while since I last signed in to MSN space. This time it looks different!
So what happened lately?

Weather has been crazy!! This level of heat is almost killing me… FLL2 went to film L’Arche on Monday. And there was quite a bit of time when we had to be outdoor, that was brutal  But we were all grateful that things went really smooth! We had time to have a nice lunch and the weather was fine (as oppose to what the long term forecast said, no thunderstorm… phew)

My camcorder finally arrived!! After almost a month-long of research, I couldn’t quite decide what to get… I was always tied between a newer model with fewer features (yes, Panasonic is weird eh?!) but cheaper and more compact body… or the older model that has more features but more expensive and had been discontinued and some were found to have defects. Which one do you think I picked? Hahaha, I picked the older model in the end  I couldn’t believe it even appeared in my dream  After seeing 5+ scams about this camera on eBay, I ended up seeing some guy in a Panasonic DV user forum who’d like to sell his. Then after exchanging ~10 emails with him, I went ahead with the deal.

It’s my biggest online purchase ever! And it’s not from a store… I placed my trust on this guy and Paypal. And I’m glad that he has been honest  So I finally picked it up last night. He even included a short letter to thank me for buying from him… hehe

What’s more interesting is that I found out that this guy is also Christian (from the tape that he included.. yea, so that tells you how bored I must be, that I checked out what he filmed ). He filmed a lot of Capitol Hill, and his narration said it’s place of hope for people who’d like to change the world. I just find it quite interesting to "meet" someone this way…

Now that this camcorder is passed to my hands, I hope I can make good use of it, to spread the message that God wants me to spread.