Monthly Archives: April 2006


作曲:Vincent chow /anfernee cheung 填詞:黃偉文 編曲:adrian chanl 監製:alvin leong

Co-ordinator : Stanley leung /programming,keyboard & guitar : Adrian chan/ 
Drums: davy chan / bass: 陳仲偉 / chorus : Patrick lui/violins: gallant ho ka chun/Daniel chan /  viola : cass ho ka sin/ cello: Justin at innotion  /strings: arranged by Adrian at sense/ Justin at innovation/ recorded by gary kum at avon studio /mixed by Frankie hung at avon studio

差不多冬至  一早一晚還是有雨 
當初的堅持 現已令你很懷疑 很懷疑 
你最尾等到 只有這枯枝 

苦戀幾多次 悉心栽種全力灌注  
所得竟不如 別個後輩收成時 

* 但見旁人談情何引誘 問到何時葡萄先熟透 
你要靜候 再靜候 就算失收 始終要守 

# 日後 儘量別教今天的淚白流  
留低 擊傷你的石頭 從錯誤裡吸收 
也許 豐收 月份尚未到你也得接受 
或者要到你將愛釀成醇酒 時機先至熟透 

應該怎麼愛 可惜書裡從沒記載 終於摸出來 
但歲月卻不回來 不回來 錯過了春天 可會再花開 

一千種戀愛 一些需要情淚灌溉 
枯萎的溫柔 在最後會長回來 
錯的愛 乃必經的配菜 

repeat * # 

想想天的一邊  亦有個某某 在等候 
一心只等葡萄熟透 嚐杯酒 

別讓 寂寞害你傷得一夜白頭 
贏得不需要的自由 和最耀眼傷口 
我知 日後 路上或沒有更美的邂逅 
仍可一醉自救 誰都心酸過 那個沒有

Love others as yourself

This is the commandment from God. I think I’ve never really tried applying it to people that I didn’t like. After immersing myself into C.S. Lewis books for a few months, I finally realize how hard it is to really live this out.
The key to this according to C.S. Lewis is… no matter how xyz123$#@ someone is, we have to pretend as if this guy is loveable, and treat him as the way we treat the people whom we find nice/loveable.
This is hard, especially for people with good memories.
Telling others about the "unjustness" of what he did or what he said might help alleviate our hard feelings at the moment. However, doing so would only reinforce in our minds how unloveable this guy is. If we’re to take Christ’s commandment seriously, and try to really love this guy, by reinforcing how bad this person is, would only make it harder for ourselves to love this person, thus giving ourselves a harder problem to solve.


小時候我一直介懷我的手很不好看﹐一點也不像女孩子的手(當然﹐到了今時今日﹐當我發現我的整體也很不"女孩子"﹐這再不值得我去介懷)。我記得以前常跟家姐攤開雙手比較﹐她的手指比較長﹐而我的看來非常笨拙﹐指頭十分之圓﹐給人一種很蠢的感覺 媽媽那時總跟我說﹐你認真彈好鋼琴﹐手指就能變長些﹐雖然這聽起來頗合理﹐但我也沒因此努力學琴。

Dr. Lile is my hero

On Apr 19, there’s a piece of news talking about an online video with a pro-life doctor illustrating partial abortion technique with a baby doll (thus without disturbing/bloody images) to a group of high school students.
He’s such a hero!!  I admire he uses his knowledge and training and find ways to teach people (esp. young people) about lies about abortion…
I feel particularly strong about partial birth abortion. Reason being, it’s not that the life of a ready-to-be-delivered baby is more precious than a fetus or fertilized egg at a much earlier stage. It’s because partial birth abortion is 1000000% much more unreasonable than an abortion done in earlier stage. I don’t see how a mother’s life would make any difference if the baby is delivered LIVE. If the mother/family really can’t support the baby, there’s adoption… The baby is already THERE… 90% of his/her body already exposed in the air, outside of the mom’s body… in this world!
If you don’t know what partial birth abortion is about (or if you already know, remind yourself about how cruel it is), WATCH THE VIDEO (I mean, if you took the time to see the stupid Jay Leno phone booth video, spare a few minutes to watch this one pls…)! I can’t think of anything more inhumane than this. The tools (that is the 兇器) used are xyadfasd3@#@ (I don’t know how to describe…)
Here’s the link to the video again:
Lord have mercy. Please wake up the conscience of those doctors who are willing to perform this kind of procedure.

眼睫毛 ● 復活

今天跟媽媽去驗眼﹐視光師跟我說﹐你平日看東西有沒有甚麼東西"阻住"? 我不大覺得有這個問題。他對我說有一條頗粗的眼睫毛在摩擦著角膜﹐對角膜不太好﹐他問我要不要替我拔掉它呢? 我說好呀。 他便給我滴眼藥水﹐然後拔掉睫毛。睫毛拔掉後﹐果真看東西清楚了…
然後﹐當我和媽媽到CMC參與Easter Vigil的途中﹐我跟她說起看東西真的清楚了很多。她就跟我說﹐那不就像耶穌講的嗎﹐自己看不到自己眼中的大樑嗎? 那刻我才恍然大悟。是的﹐我太多時候的確看到別人的xx(隨你想像xx是甚麼)﹐但偏偏察覺不到自己的問題﹐那麼粗的一條眼睫毛一直在擋著我我竟絲毫不覺是問題!
天主點化我的方式真特別! 令我更感恩的是這事竟在復活節前夕發生﹐我真的要重生呀!!!!在整個Vigil中﹐我都覺得很平安﹐某些時刻更有很感動差掉要落淚的感覺…
眼睫毛雖長得慢﹐大概數個月又要長起來﹐正如我們每次改過後都會再"衰過"… 讓我們時刻警惕﹐提 醒自己要看清楚自己眼中的xx(隨你想像xx是甚麼)!  

7th guitar lesson

7th guitar lesson, 2nd song from my wish list, 1st hocc song from the wishlist
It’s very hard to play, many weird chords… I wonder if I can ever manage to play it (not to mention playing it well)
This song is a bit pro-life actually
歌手:何韻詩 | 作曲:馮翰銘
填詞:林夕 | 編\:英師傅

Asus4  xx223x
A/Ab   4x222x
Fdim   xx0101
F#m    xx4222
F#m6   xx3222
F#m7   xx2222
F#m5   xx1222
B7/Eb  xx1202

Intro: |A  Asus4|A  Asus4|A  Asus4|A  Asus4|
A    A/Ab F#m 
 你在 這裡 
Bm      E
A     A/Ab    F#m
 快吧  擠逼將過去
D            Fdim     E 
無非等多幾個月 何必心急去催
  F#m  F#m6  F#m7   F#m5
*  日夜輕輕撫摸聽候你光臨
  D           A  Asus4
  G  F#     Bm B7/Eb   
  Dm        Esus4
 畢竟同一個體溫 *
  A   A/Ab   F#m  D    E    A 
 要你一生分享我身體 誰敢疏擺這關係
      F#m    B7
  Dm           E
     A  A/Ab F#m    D    E    A
 兩百多天一起兩位一體 情感即使會消逝
  Fdim F#m  F#m6   Adim    Dm
 此刻的我如上帝  那陣痛多麼抵
Bridge: |D|Amaj7|Bm|A|D|Dbm|D E A Bm|E| 
A     A/Ab F#m 
  你在 這裡
Bm      E
A     A/Ab  F#m
  你是  快感的證據
D            Fdim     E 
眉梢不管將似誰 誰都不可竊取
F#  B   B/Bb   Abm  E  F#   B 
 要你一生分享我身體 誰敢疏擺這關係
      Abm    Db7
  Em     F#
     B  B/Bb Abm    E    F#   B
 兩百多天一起兩位一體 情感即使會消逝
  Gdim Abm Abm6   Bdim    Em
 此刻的我如上帝  那陣痛多麼抵
|B Bsus4|B Bsus4|B Bsus4|B Bsus4|


We live in a world full of assumptions. Sometimes we aren’t even aware of all the implicit assumptions that we make… I read some pages from the Screwtape Letters during breakfast (reading has been a daily morning routine since I started having breakfast at tea restaurant..hohoho ), somewhere in the 21st letter (too lazy to get the book from my car or else you’d have to bear with another blog entry full of quotes…) it talks about the idea of "ownership". The example he gave is "ownership of time". We’re unhappy when something unexpected happen, and that something takes away our time… and we start whining (internally or externally). Screwtape says humans are so used to live under the assumption that we own time. We claim we own time, so we  when "our" time is stolen… What if the assumption is wrong?
He started saying many problems come from assumptions like this… Many people thought we own our bodies, and they can do whatever they can to it (all the unchaste stuff & abortion etc) But the thing is, are our bodies ours?
I think our dissatisfaction comes from (false) assumptions in general. Our reasoning/reaction are so closely tied with these assumptions. They are so deeply rooted that they become truth to us…we rarely have doubts about those at all.
Basically why I’m grumpy all the time is because of the assumptions below:
  • Mom "should" know I’m tired after work, so anything that she wanna say to me should be said at a "better time"
  • People "should" remember things that I’ve told them before.
  • People "should" know what’s the "right time" to tell jokes.
  • People "should" understand what I think perfectly after I told them once.
  • People "should" have seen/read the stuff that I’ve seen/read.
  • People "should" be free when I think they’re free.
  • People "should" know I’m "nice" but demanding.

 Starting to know more about my ugly self…


I’ve heard people saying "live the present moment" or 活在當下 so many times, yet I still find the idea pretty vague to me. Last time when we went to hear Jean Vanier’s talk, he addressed that too, and I got a slightly better idea of what it means. An example of "living the present moment" is to give 100% attention when you talk to people, when you’re talking to them, focus on that person, listen to what he/she has to say, treat him/her as the only person in this world.
C.S. Lewis (aka one of the best writers I’ve come to know so far) talked about how "future" can be used as a way to tempt us in The Screwtape Letters.
(One of the things that struck me is how I like a song by hocc so much, called 未來. )
Note: When interpreting the quotes from this book, beware of its narrative. It’s a senior devil talking to a novice devil  teaching him how to recruit souls to the Hell.
From the 15th letter from Screwtape to Wormwood
"The humans live in time but our Enemy destines them to eternity. He therefore, I believe, wants them to attend chiefly to two things, to eternity itself, and to that point of time which they call the Present. For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity. Of the present moment, and of it only, humans have an experience analogous to the experience which our Enemy has of reality as a whole; in it alone freedom and actuality are offered them."
"Our business is to get them away from the eternal, and from the Present…. It is far better to make them live in future."
"Biological necessity makes all their passions point in that direction already, so that thought about the Future inflames hope and fear. Also, it is unknown to them, so that in making them think about it we make them think of unrealities. In a word, the Future is, of all things, the thing least like eternity."
"Gratitude looks to the past and love to the present; fear, avarice, lust, and ambition look ahead."
 "To be sure, the Enemy wants men to think of the Future too–just so much as is necessary for now planning the acts of justice or charity which will probably be their duty tomorrow. The duty of planning the morrow’s work is today’s duty; though its material is borrowed from the future, the duty, like all duties, is in the Present."
"He does not want men to give the Future their hearts, to place their treasure in it. We do. His ideal is a man who, having worked all day for the good of posterity (if that is his vocation), washes his mind of the whole subject, commits the issue to Heaven, and returns at once to patience or gratitude demanded by the moment that is passing over him."
(When I read the above paragraph, I relate to it in a programming sense. You can ignore the analogy below
We’re like a daemon process, we receive requests from clients. The server’s job is to gather the required info to fulfill the request. We fill in data into a packet and send it off to the worker thread to do the job. This is how the server keeps itself free for other requests, we don’t WAIT for the worker thread to do its work. We continue with our duty of receiving requests. When the worker thread is done, we’ll be notified. To me "commit the issue to Heaven" is like handing off the packet to the other thread, meanwhile we continue to do our work. This is to live the present moment.)
"But we want a man hag-ridden by the Future–haunted by visions of an imminent heaven or hell upon earth… We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow’s end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar the future every real gift which is offered them in the Present."
"Your man may be untroubled about the Future, not because he is concerned with the Present, but because he has persuaded himself that the Future is going to be agreeable. As long as that is the real cause of his tranquility, his tranquility will do us good, because it is only piling up more disappointment, and therefore more impatience, for him when his false hopes are dashed."
"If, on the other hand, he is aware that horrors may be in store for him and is praying for the virtues, wherewith to meet them, and meanwhile concerning himself with the Present because there, and there alone, all duty, all grace, all knowledge, and all pleasure dwell, his state is very undersirable and should be attacked at once."






警方前晚採取行動,在結他社拘捕兩名分別19及26歲的負責人,相信仍有同黨在逃。事件曝光後,已有逾50名受害人接觸警方,他們年齡由14至30歲,全為男性。警方呼籲其他被騙市民致電2398 6396與他們聯絡。




I found this piece of news pretty funny when I first read it. The 3 characters 結他班

drawn my attention. And then I don’t know if I’ve sinned by finding the piece of news funny. I’m surprised to find that such an innocent thing can be manipulated to be a way to cheat people. Those guys who got cheated probably aren’t real 咸濕, they might find it a "pretty good deal" to be able to learn guitar while getting to know a cute girl (possibly chasing her I guess)… This piece of news reminds me about the importance of having a 純正目的 for everything.