Category Archives: 星期二檔案



Haven’t watched any Sunday Reports for a while… And thought that I never tried searching it in Youtube, so I did and found this story which is super touching  I won’t spoil the details here, you gotta go watch yourself:
part 1
part 2
part 3
It was so sad at the moment I learned what the lie was about…
This story shows that people are not as materialistic (現實) as we might have imagined. There are LOTS of people out there who do things out of love for strangers. This world is still full of hope


Parkinson’s disease is so horrible… It’s hard to imagine how one can get the disease but not suffer depression at the same time… How can one not be depressed, seeing his/her own body keep getting worse? And the worst part is that you’re sick, but people don’t know you’re sick… And the government doesn’t think you’re sick either, by the lack of support…
I really admire that woman who has been having the disease at age 26… 26! So young.. and she was having her baby at the time… I admire her attitude, how she keeps herself thinking on the optimistic side, how she remains young psychologically (and looks young too!), how she tries not to have her disease affect the rest of the family… She’s a real hero. She’s my role model.
Think positive. Be young.


這晚的主題是補習… 勾起了一些回憶。我生平唯一一次光顧補習社要追溯至Form 2至Form 4期間。那是非常有趣的記憶。記得在Form 2時﹐開始教Trigonometry的時候﹐一天我的同學(一位非常似吳君如的同學﹐也是我的好友﹐至今間中有聯絡)問我有沒有興趣一起補習。我就這樣開始了補習生涯。
那所補習社在銅鑼灣加蘭中心後面﹐由一位中年(前任?)數學老師主理(當然不像今天那些身穿名牌的"靚仔"老師)。我記得那時我們常常在課堂傾偈﹐不時被人罵至狗血淋頭。他規定要做完所有練習﹐給他(或那跟他長得九成相像的兒子﹐我還記得他倆的手毛都十分之長-_-")批改﹐要題目做對才可下課。因題目十分之多﹐我們常常要玩"偷走遊戲" — 就是要靜靜雞從後門偷走﹐最令人難受的是後門有一塊佈滿陳年污漬的布廉﹐每次我們都要以極速把它掀起方可逃走
最令我難忘的是一次給他責備…他竟罵我:"你真是無藥救"。我不懂回應… 他還拿起間尺"bok"我的頭 想起也覺得過份。我讀大學時經常在想﹐終有一天我要拿我的大學BMath畢業證書給他看。哼!
ok.. 我以上所說的完全跟本週的星期二檔案無關 現在開始有關… 最令人覺得荒謬的是現代補習社的氣焰。那些受訪的補習老師個個自信爆棚﹐打扮一絲不苟… 最搞笑是他們的宣傳技倆﹐層出不窮﹐不惜一切!
"四日不停狂谷﹐包你白痴都變超人" -_-"
我看不到一丁點"老師feel"。這就是當今的教育界典範嗎? sorry, 他們每人月薪都有HK$200-300K…
從中學生的口中﹐不難發現為何補習社能開至成行成市。他們的要求 — 老師好看﹐幽默風趣﹐tip題命中率高 — 全可在補習社找到。如程介明所說﹐他們看不到的是未來要求的﹐全是考試不會考到的。我們要怪的﹐並不是這些中學生﹐他們只是欠缺人生經驗﹐不懂得把眼光放遠些。要怪的是香港政府想不出一些更好的方法來決定學生的命運…