Monthly Archives: April 2012









早前我讀過一篇《那些年》的影評,我非常認同作者的看法,他形容那是「一套關於拒絕成長和不用成長的電影。… 沈佳宜受不了柯騰的幼稚與他分手,但在婚宴上卻情深款款地勉勵柯騰要「一路幼稚下去」。… 柯騰之所以是柯騰,全因為他的幼稚;幼稚根本就是他的「defining quality」。沈佳宜要柯騰「一路幼稚下去」,代表對他整個人全盤、無條件的接受,這成為了女方對男方的(某種)愛的宣言,以及男方對自己的終生承諾。德籍猶太裔心理學家佛洛姆(Erich Fromm)在《愛的藝術》(The Art of Loving)中指出,愛是唯一的成長之路,因為只有愛上其他人,我們才會走出自戀的迷宮。《那些年》提供的是另類的愛的教育,它告訴我們,真正懂得愛,就是要讓你真正愛的人一路幼稚下去。」




Extended reading:

How I Fell Out of My Minivan and into My Identity




Fr. Dismas’ prayer

Sometime, not long after his cancer diagnosis, Fr. Dismas received a prayer, sent to him by a relative stranger, this prayer – reflection became his prayer. I would almost daily discover him sitting silently in his office next to mine in those days, he would smile & point to this little prayer which he kept on top of his desk…“just saying my prayer,” he would respond. He chose it for his final conference with his brothers & I know he would want me to share it now with you. “After all”, he would look at me with those gentle & definitely playful eyes…” (but without a trace of “perhaps”), “After all, Reverend Father, it’s all that really needs to be said.”

Be silent.
Be still.
Alone. Empty
Before your God.
Say nothing.
Ask nothing.
Be silent.
Be still.
Let your God
Look upon you.
That is all.
God knows
And understands.
God loves you with
An enormous love,
Wanting only to
Look upon you
With love.
Let your God
Love you.

+ Abbot Peter

  1. See 有理說不清 and 一場怪夢for details.

Potential Mess

A thought came to mind while watching 奪命金 this morning. In the movie, Richie Jen’s dad was in hospital due to cancer. And he and his wife just found out his dad had a very young daughter with another woman. With his dad hospitalized, unless Richie would take the girl, or she would be sent to 保良局.

When we hear of stories like this, we can’t help but ask why is life so unfair to certain people. It’s sad that some children were born due to irresponsible acts by their parents. People are fallible. It’s so easy to make bad choices in our lives.

This reminds me of something 陶傑 asked in his column a long time ago. He asked why God would put humans in a position where we are left to figure out the right thing to do? If He knows humans are so weak and easily tempted, why would He be so brutal to leave humans to make all these choices? I think I finally understand why today.

It’s true that God has entrusted a whole lot to humans. He gave us the earth to take care of. He gave us the ability to create lives. He gave us intellect to think freely. It’s not like He didn’t know how bad things could get screwed. Knowing how bad things could potentially become, He still allows us to think and act freely. He does that because He is willing to 包底. Jesus descended to the earth so that through Him, even though we screw up, we are protected from death.

God is the greatest father (or leader). When we take on a leadership role, often times we would give limited room for our subordinates to act. It is because we know that if something goes wrong, we have to clean up the mess. The more power we give to our subordinates, the greater the chance they can screw up. It takes a lot of trust to empower them. And more important, it takes a lot of LOVE to be willing to clean up the mess that can be resulted.

Instead of asking God “Why do you leave me to make all these choices?”, what we should really be asking is “Why do I deserve so much love? How can I make the best use of the power you’ve entrusted to me?”