
So bak chi, I remember my Myer Briggs type wrong! When Vivien told me she’s INTJ, I thought I’m INTJ too  Coz I used to be INFJ when I was in high school, then I remember one of the characters changed when I re-did the test in a Career Directions course like 2 years ago. Then when I looked up the personality type report that I got, I found out I was actually ISFJ  So stupid~
Spent some more time reading about the personality analysis today while waiting for build, I find this personality type pretty sad
One thing that is good to know is that Mother Teresa and Queen Elizabeth II are also ISFJs!
The personality test is found here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp (link copied from Vivien’s blog , so I owe her an advertisement here: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/vivienyip)

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