經理 => 經理人 => 天主

I was a bit mad (a bit, not very…) with my manager at work today, with his micro-management thing. I realize he’s my manager. But I don’t think he needs to tell me every moment what I should be doing. I think I have the judgement. What happened is that recently, he has reminded me SO MANY times that I shouldn’t be fixing defects for a component (well, why did I get assigned to work for that component? well well well, apparently I’m the only person remaining who knows and "willing" to program an installer). The thing is, it’s the "milestone release time" again, QAs opened defects… and keep bugging me. I think I can use *reasonable* amount of time to fix them. Some might take minutes, others might take no more than an hour. But he insist I shouldn’t be fixing them… And basically intercepted all my defects… Maybe I’m stupid, if he asked me not to work on those, I probably shouldn’t work on those. I just thought with "reasonable amount of time", I could fix some embarassing/pretty serious bugs, why not?
So… after seeing my attempt to fix one of those "non-blockers" again, he came and talked to me again. He told me I shouldn’t be working on those, "I will have those defects. I will decide what to do with them. I am trying to shield you from the other stuff. This (the installer of topology installer… what a stupid thing to do!) is what you need to work on".  So he will be the one who decides what I should work on, I think he is not only my 經理﹐but my 經理人 as well (coz he 接 jobs for me now).
And as much as I don’t like my boss’s approach (that he doesn’t give me the power to judge something on my own), he reminds me of GOD! (My manager would like to keep me focus on what he deems important, but there are so many other ways ppl can bug me to work on the other stuff…) Isn’t what he said resembles so much of what Jesus tells us all the time? We’re supposed to hand over our troubles/problems to God, then listen to Him regarding what we should do, then follow Hm. Oh man… The more I think of it, the more I think my manager is trying to be God (in a certain sense). But thanks to him for reminding me that.
Should I appreciate my manager’s effort? I don’t know. I still don’t quite like his micro-management approach. I understand he worries more than I do if this whole "grand installer" fails to deliver… But I don’t like to be supervised like this. Or maybe I’m too proud…

One thought on “經理 => 經理人 => 天主

  1. Ami says:

    有時候﹐該放棄執著﹐信賴你該信賴的人 😉

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